Headache Journal

Resident Education Program

The Resident Education Program aims to inspire a greater number of junior neurology trainees to consider pursuing careers in Headache Medicine. The program provides first and second year adult and pediatric neurology residents with a foundation in headache medicine education during a weekend session led by experienced faculty in neurologic education and headache medicine. 

Upcoming Events

2025 Resident Education Program

October 24-26, 2025
UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center
Los Angeles, CA

View Event

How to Apply

Candidate Criteria

Applicants must be residents in a U.S. adult or pediatric neurology training program. Trainees in other residency programs will also be considered, including but not limited to internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, physiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, and orofacial pain. Availability may be limited based on demand.

Required Application Materials

  • Online Application Form
  • Brief statement of interest (100-200 words)
  • Current CV
  • Letter of support from Program Director. Each program director may nominate only one early stage resident from their program (PGY1 or PGY2 for adult neurology, PGY1, PGY2, or PGY3 for child neurology, but if no such candidate is available a PGY3 adult neurology or PGY4 child neurology resident would be considered).

Application Timeline

  • Tuesday, July 1, 2025: Applications open
  • Sunday, August 10, 2025: Applications due
  • On or about Monday, August 25, 2025: Final decisions to be distributed

Accepted Applicants

Accepted participants will receive the following:

  • Reimbursement up to $1,500 for eligible travel expenses including Roundtrip coach/economy class travel, ground transportation to/from airport and conference center and 2 nights’ accommodation at the conference hotel
  • Meals, which are included in the meeting, from Friday night through Sunday morning
  • Complimentary one-year Trainee membership to the American Headache Society or extension of an existing AHS Trainee membership.

Resident Education Program Committee 

Melissa Rayhill, MD, FAHS, Co-Chair

University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine, The State University of New York
Williamsville, NY

Matthew S. Robbins, MD, FAHS, Co-Chair

Weill Cornell Medicine
New York, New York 

Committee Members 

Deborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, FAHS

Amy Gelfand, MD, FAHS

Peter J. Goadsby, MD, PhD, FAHS

Sara J. Pavitt, MD

Noah Rosen, MD, FAHS

Niushen Zhang, MD, FAHS

Last Event Recap

Residents and faculty had a wonderful time at the fall 2023 Resident Education Program at the Luskin Conference Center in Los Angeles, CA. Through various interactive workshops, lectures, small group sessions, and some friendly competition, early-stage residents were able to gain inspiration and learn more about headache medicine. Keep an eye out for updates regarding the 2024 program!

Are you a resident and interested in becoming a Trainee member of the American Headache Society? Join today to take advantage of all that AHS has to offer as you advance your career.


AHS gratefully acknowledges the educational support of the Resident Education Program from our industry supporters, as well as the financial donation from Miles for Migraine.

Additional Resident Resources 

REACH Program 

Hosted at institutions all over the nation, the REACH program aims to increase the profile of headache medicine as a subspecialty, provide a curricular foundation to educate residents and other trainees in the most common reason patients see neurologists, and inspire a greater number of trainees and faculty members to become educators and serve patients with headache and related pain disorders.

Learn more about our half-day curriculum covering essential concepts in headache medicine.

Learn More

Resources for Residents & Fellows

The AHS has compiled various resources to assist Trainees looking to advance their career in Headache Medicine, including Headache Fellowship opportunities, discounted membership options, headache training programs, and more.

View Trainee Resources